Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Who I am

I am a semester old freshman in college. I am independent but can't live without family and friends. I love math and art. I also love the color purple and butterflies. I am curtious and optimistic. I like to do fun things like ride roller coasters and see movies with my friends. I am a page at my local library. I shelve books and help customers check out items. I am a sister and a daughter. I love my cats. I wish to be an Engineer, maybe Aerospace, and to work with NASA.


  1. I love cats too! How many do you have?

    We had a couple stray kittens wander into our lawn over the summer, so we've been taking care of them ever since. I miss them so much when I'm at OU!

    I hope you enjoy blogging this semester!


  2. Thanks I have 2 cats. I only get to see them on weekends, I wish they could come with me. I kind of adopted a stray cat too. She lives outside and I named her Mia. My real pet cats' names are Leo and Marzee.
