Wednesday, April 14, 2010

self discipline

My top 5 self disciplinary actions to fix

1. time management
2. priorities
3. exercise
4. eating habits
5. relationships

I would try to fix my time management by making schedules for myself weekly or daily in order to get things done. I would have to estimate how much time each thing throughout my day will take in order to successfully plan my schedule. I would try to fix my priorities also with a schedule by putting the most important things to be done earliest so they will get done. I feel fixing time management will help fix my priorities problem as well. For exercising, I need to find a strong willed buddy to go to the gym with, that way I will not be able to talk myself or my friend out of going on a certain day. I would also need to set a schedule and stick to it. I need to give myself motivation to go to each work out with a reward or incentive. I have created irregular eating habits since being in the dorm and I feel I don't eat as many healthier foods as I use to when I lived at home. I feel I can fix this with motivation to eat right and also reward myself with something sweet at the end of a week to keep me on track. For relationships, I feel I need to keep in touch with family members and it is hard because of school and very little time to get everything done.

My mother has great self discipline. She is the one who gets things done early instead of late. I wish I had more of her discipline style but I turned out more like my father. My mother also keeps things done with lists and strategies for everyone to help get things done with. She tries to tell me to not procrastinate on things but I am not use to her discipline style so it does not go well with mine.

I am accountable for getting things done that I am asked or needed to do. I am accountable for my own life. I tend to do things my way but in the end I find they get done just as well as if they were done another way. I enjoy help from others but in the end I have to solve my own problems and find my own solutions.

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